I have been involved in the development of static analysis tools for C, C++ in the past and now for Ada, and there is no coming back! There are just too many benefits in having the programmer himself put some critical information inside
the code.
For the programs that I develop in Ada, I value enormously the features of the language that help prevent and detect programming errors as early as possible, in particular the strong type system and the executable specifications. (I'm
particularly fond of preconditions and postconditions, as a static analysis guy
should be. :))
Andrew Eliasz
My interest in Ada is for programming mid-range embedded systems e.g. ARM Cortex M3/M4 based systems ...
It would be really nice if there was and ADA toolset for Microchip PIC32 processors ...
Michael Del Solio
Ada supports me in writing good and stable code. I love features like range checking of array bounds while compiling, strong data types and the builtin abilities for concurrent programming.
Ada syntax is readable and helps me to make code looking beautiful.
Thank you Ada.
Thomas Løcke
Ada is readable and reliable. She's a hard mistress that keeps me from doing bad things, and coming from PHP I know _all_ about doing bad things.
With her strong emphasis on types and structure Ada keeps me on the right path, constantly helping me to better express what it is I'm trying to accomplish with my code.
Pascal Obry
Good practice from the ground, I like Ada as she talks to me with the right abstraction level. Thanks Ada, we understand each other.
Tom Kirby
Je dois dire que je n'aime pas Ada.
À moi, l'amour est tellement plus que quelque sentiment que je puisse sentir vers un outil de travail.
Une passion pour Ada ?
Bien sûr que non.
Mais je me sens un respect pour elle.
Un grand respect.
Pour ce qu'elle permet de faire.
Pour les possibilités qu'elle offre.
Tant de respect.
Assez pour fermer les yeux sur la note pour sa grande toilette - la Madame soit pardonnéé une vanité de temps en temps.
Assez pour me faire vouloir la prendre en ville et de l'achêter sa haute couture : une belle nouvelle GUI.
Il me plait de la voir comme elle a le droit d'être vue.
Je n'aime pas Ada.
Mais, comme je veux qu'elle soit aimée !
Jacob Sparre Andersen
I love programming in Ada. It helps me express what I want my software to do. And that in a form I can show and explain to non-programmer customers. Strong typing. Tasking. Good encapsulation. Checked pre- and postconditions. ...
What's not to love?
Tony Gair
The strict requirements on structure and types, allow you to build REALLY complex software which works and works. This strictness lets you build literally anything you can imagine. And thats good for me because I can imagine a lot.
R Srinivasan
My first exposure to Ada was in 1986!!! VAX/VMS Ada and Vax/ELN Ada. Was involved in the development of probably the first large scale commercial ada app (> 500K LOC) - a steel mill control system.
Kept with it till about 2000. Since then undertook many many failed attempts to introduce Ada to different applications - medical devices and the like. Still trying...
These days I program only for fun and Ada and gnat is my primary environment with python supporting as required. It is encouraging to see the tremendous growth.
Eryndlia Mavourneen
When I first pulled the curious green paperback manual with nothing printed on the spine off the shelf in the government library at the Boston Federal Reserve Bank, my first thought was, "Ada? I've never heard of it." When I opened it, the very first thing I realized was that this "manual" was very well laid out. Thumbing through the book, it rapidly began to dawn upon me that this language contained a marvelous collection of tools and that they were all a standard part of the language! Since that time I have observed the logical, well-thought-through improvement of the language.
Ada has assisted me in continuing my CS education and career in directions which I could not have anticipated previously. Plus it is so much fun to use. I *heart* Ada!
Jean-Pierre R
After 30 years with Ada, I am still very bad at using a debugger... and proud of it!
Chris Sparks
Ada has been my friend for a lot of years. From the beginning back in the early 80's up to today. I have worked on several important Ada projects in my life, one where people's lives depended on the software working correctly every time. I don't believe I could have ever achieved success like that with another competing language. At this stage in my career I am not doing much Ada professionally but I still program at home on my own software, all in Ada. Why? It just comes natural to me. The language always reflects my thoughts and designs quite accurately and efficiently. And to boot Ada Lovelace was a distant cousin so there is that family devotion too!
Jason P
Ada pushes me to think very carefully about the code I write. It can certainly be a pain but overall it promotes sound software engineering principles.
Jose Ruiz
I love the Ravenscar profile as the most elegant way to use high-level abstractions for concurrent systems, allowing for great readability, efficiency and analyzability.
Albert Lee
The biggest thing that I really love about Ada is the whole emphasis on real software engineering that you just don't see in a lot of other languages. There are considerations for working in teams. There are considerations for building large things that work correctly. And that kind of emphasis just doesn't exist in competing languages to the same degree that it does in Ada.